In 2021, Siddiqsons embarked on a groundbreaking journey in the terry towel sector, driven by a forward-thinking vision to blend technological innovation with human talent. Our commitment to producing top-quality terry towels at affordable prices has set a new standard in the textile industry, ensuring maximum customer satisfaction.
Our state-of-the-art manufacturing approach is designed to deliver superior quality textile products. At Siddiqsons, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in manufacturing, sourcing, supplying, exporting, and trading of our textile products. Our focus is not just on meeting but exceeding customer expectations, ensuring we forge lasting business relationships built on trust and quality.
We’re proud of our reputation as one of the finest “one-call, one-stop” manufacturers of brand identity and electronic user interface products.
Siddiqsons’ production facility boasts an impressive capacity of 50,000 lbs per day, a testament to our robust manufacturing capabilities. Looking ahead to 2023, we are poised for significant expansion, with plans to triple our production capacity to a remarkable 150,000 lbs per day. This scale-up reflects our commitment to meeting the growing global demand for quality terry towels.
As a family owned and operated company we are hands on business owners and intimately involved in daily operations. Time on the shop floor interacting with employees is routine, promoting their development and be proud of their work.
Our investment in cutting-edge technology over the years has been a cornerstone of our success. Siddiqsons prides itself on housing some of the industry’s most advanced machinery. Our fully integrated manufacturing plant is a beacon of innovation, enabling us to craft towels that meet the highest global quality standards. From weaving to finishing, every step of our production process is fine-tuned for excellence, ensuring that our clients receive nothing but the best.
At Siddiqsons, we are more than just a textile manufacturer; we are a symbol of quality and innovation in the terry towel sector. Our journey from 2021 to the future is marked by continuous growth, unwavering commitment to quality, and a relentless pursuit of customer satisfaction.
Get in touch with Siddiqsons for further information about our broad range of business divisions, and how we can support you.
Get in touch with Siddiqsons for further information about our broad range of business divisions, and how we can support you.